You can reach your fullest potential faster through massive clarity and decisive action.

You ready? Let’s go!

Hi, We are Tim and Michelle!

These spaces where people have to introduce ourselves are always a bit stuffy so let’s talk about you instead. That’s more of our styles.

Top rated female personal coach and life coach

If you were meeting up with one of us at a coffee shop with two hours to spare, we’d tell you what we’ve learned from our training, and working with people like you, to overhaul their lives:  

A lot of us are defeated, tired, and not really living up to our full potential. We’re stuck. The self-help books aren’t really working. The “rah, rah” Instagram posts are sweet, sure, but the inspiration is like a tic tac—it only lasts for 5 minutes. We’ve told ourselves stories about who we are and what we bring into the world but most of those stories aren’t the best ones—-they end up hijacking our true identities.  Those stories become thick walls that close us out from living strong and free. 

But here is where I lovingly tell you: no more, friend. No. More!

We believe that “True North” refers to an individual's guiding values, principles, and beliefs that align with their authentic self. It is the inner compass that directs a person toward their genuine purpose and goals, ensuring that their actions and decisions are consistent with their core identity and long-term vision. Discovering one's true north helps maintain focus, integrity, and motivation, especially when faced with challenges or distractions.

Our aspirations as personal life coaches is that once you’ve received your “aha” moment through the Primal Question assessment - by finally understanding your highest emotional need, identifying what puts you into your scramble and embracing what your relational super power is - your "True North" will now represent your authentic self, highest values and aspirations. With clearer vision, you can now see the inner compass that guides you and those around you towards purpose, vision, and goals. Just as a compass needle points towards the geographic North Pole, this newly found clarity directs you toward your most genuine path in life.

We will help you explore and define your True North by encouraging you to reflect on your core values, passions, strengths, and long-term aspirations. When you align actions and decisions with your True North, you can cultivate a sense of authenticity, fulfillment, and clarity in your personal and professional lives and relationships.

Motivation comes from within — and we are here to help you activate it.